Application to a sadist (SM)


I need a really hard spanking every now and then. My whole bottom should be evenly full of welts and like to be beaten green and blue, so that I can hardly sit.

I am not a head-cinema person but I want to be punished severely and relentlessly by you again and again by causing me unspeakable pain, mainly on my bottom.

I don’t want to promise anything because sometimes life gets in the way, what I need is that you convey severity, anger, disappointment and rage in such a way that I am incredibly afraid of what is to come, and you can therefore chastise me accordingly violently or mercilessly, believe me I deserve it, just like back then, when I was pulled over the table, pants down and then I was beaten up angrily.

My father always said “I’ll beat you black and blue so that you can’t sit down for a week.” That’s what they did, even when the teacher gave me at least 30 full strokes with the cane on my bare bottom at school, my bottom was already dark blue but I was still beaten by them. It’s a shame that this doesn’t happen any more, I would probably make a mess all the time just to get my bottom beaten properly every now and then.

Maybe even if there is some trust, bound and gagged you whip me as long as you want, my bottom is helplessly at your mercy and there is no stop word.

It’s not a must, because I just want to be tortured by you and you inflict the most severe pain on my bottom with everything you can think of.

I don’t want to destroy the magic of a session with mundane things, so I would like to tell you in advance what I want or what we want. I want to feel your lust when you hit me or do something else to me, your lust triggers me so that you can and want to do more and more to me.

If you don’t hit me hard enough I’ll stick my butt out at you and if you have to use the cane, for example, then I beg you not to use the cane.

It would be nice if you could answer me and perhaps package a rejection in such a way that my self-esteem doesn’t suffer too much. Otherwise, I long for everything that causes me pain, from your strict, unyielding hand, mainly on my bare bottom, which is then ready for you at any time, no matter where you want to chastise me. I am also prepared for an inspection visit on your part, my equipment is considerable with which you can chastise me hard immediately, as soon as I know that it is you who rings the bell my bottom will be naked for you so that you can work on my butt at any time.

P.S. I am open and honest, and I tell the truth. Be as honest with me as you can. We can also get to know each other over a coffee.
Yes, the whole thing sounds like head cinema or fake and it remains to be seen whether I can redeem it all, but the thought of being whipped by you totally turns me on. I would love to lie down on my punishment table right now, stretch my bottom out wide and wait for your violent lashes.

Torture – Merciless – Chastise – Flogging – Whipping – Passion – Pain – Suffering – Unrestrained – LUST

Please have no consideration for me, torture me mercilessly, chastise me as hard as you can, whip me passionately, cause me unspeakable pain, let me suffer incredibly, I want to be your object and please show me your lust so that you can do whatever you want with my body without restraint.

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