News (Neuigkeiten)

Die Seite "Davor / Dabei / Danach" ist fertig
Die Seite "Werkzeug Kunde" ist in Arbeit.
Viel neues im Mitgliederbereich.
In einigen Beiträgen gibt es jetzt Tipps "Wo darf ich das erleben"
Die Seite "Rollenspiele /Aufgaben" wurde überarbeitet
In Kürze gibt es einen neuen Mitgliederbereich

Application to a sadist (SM)

I need a real good spanking every now and then. My whole bottom should be evenly full of welts and like to be beaten green and blue, so that I can hardly sit.

All of a sudden it was like before …

The person to be punished is regularly, as it used to be, chastised severely and passionately on his bare bottom with all kinds of instruments of discipline…

What do we offer?

We offer only the beautiful sides and contacts from the large area BDSM


For the kick in the head !

In contrast to dominance (FemDoms / MaleDoms), this is something where your fantasies are taken into account and sex (e.g. eroticism in play, foot eroticism, etc.) is not neglected.

Who plays with

Only a small group of selected and tested members will be represented here!

Stay in touch with us

Write us a mail