The drawn bottom

Welts, bruises, scratches, bite marks and sucking marks are a characteristic of a beautiful S&M encounter. These marks are temporary memories of the beauty of pain and of the connection with the person who left them behind. Depending on the intensity of the play, its preparation and the individual physical conditions, traces can be visible for a long time or fade away quickly. Most women want to proudly wear and admire their marks for a long time. For me, there is nothing more beautiful than a wonderfully marked bottom!

These traces of passion and lust are different for everyone, for some after a few light strokes and for others the bottom remains almost without a trace even after an intensive session. The marking of the bottom also varies depending on the instrument. Thinner instruments are more likely to leave welts and wider instruments are more likely to produce a red area or even blue or green spots. Here are a few practical examples:

This woman’s bottom was warmed up and she didn’t get very many strokes on her bottom. These marks lasted for a few days.


This woman’s bottom looked like this after a few hundred hard strokes. And the marks were no longer visible after a few hours.


This woman is very sensitive to marks and wanted to get a lot more on her butt from that point on.


A well-trained man’s bottom that was chastised really hard and mercilessly for a long time. He was so intoxicated that he always wanted more.


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