What an erotic date (sex)

I met this woman and, as I have often mentioned, she really is a very beautiful, totally likeable woman. We immediately liked and trusted each other. She was on time and dressed in such a way that I immediately got a high, which she noticed with a grin. Somehow she wanted me immediately and fell unrestrainedly over my cock in the hallway, I couldn’t hold back for long and she eagerly took my juice.

When she finally arrived in bed, she finished me off with her hot breasts and her tight bottom, so that I licked them with relish and then took them unrestrainedly in various positions. She liked it best doggy style where she stretched her hot ass out to me and I pushed my hard cock very deep into her tight, wonderfully wet crack without mercy and she came to an incredible orgasm very quickly.

But we still couldn’t let go of each other and she started to caress my body tenderly all over, but we both couldn’t stand it for long and she sat down with her wonderfully fragrant pussy on my mouth and I pushed my tongue deep into her, crazy with lust she leaned forward and took my cock completely into her mouth. Suddenly she stopped and a shiver ran over her whole body and she came quietly and unspeakably tenderly, I think I will never forget this moment. We lingered for a while so that we could take everything from each other and it tasted so wonderfully delicious, as I have rarely experienced. Exhausted, our still quivering bodies then melted together and we kissed as tenderly as two newly in love.

Then we introduced ourselves.

We both had a lot to talk about and laughed a lot and heartily together. Somehow we both realized that there was more between us, so when we said goodbye Charlotte insisted that we meet again in a few days, which I gladly accepted.

Charlotte didn’t look at her watch when we met and only accepted the agreed amount. I found it particularly remarkable that no renegotiations for extras or arrival and departure disturbed the magic of our meeting.

It’s funny that my neighbors greeted me with a grin for a few days.

Where can I experience this: Info & Disclaimer!

Where may I

the experience

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My personal tip for the fascinating escort experience is Sarah. A woman who enchants you and with whom you feel as comfortable as with a friend who also fulfills your sexual desires with relish (no BDSM).

Sarah is looking for men with whom she can have fun. She takes pocket money which includes travel to and from Hamburg and no additional costs. From now on it can only be booked exclusively.

Everything else on request.