The (first) chastisement of her life

I met with a woman who wanted me to punish her. Considered were 50 blows for concealment on her exposed buttocks. There were 20 more because of some impertinence, so that there should be a total of 70 with different instruments. We had already chatted via WhatsApp for some time and could already tell each other many things and therefore trusted each other.


In the chat we told each other our fantasies and already triggered each other. She had a rather ambivalent relationship to the number and severity of the strokes. Which always made me set the bar a little higher. Her fear and also her insight that she needs or deserves this put me in total excitement and admiration for this woman. They also aroused our fantasies and triggers causing her to have some very restless nights.
Fearing that she would not be able to stand the pain, she wanted to be bound and gagged. My head cinema then gave me an insane desire. I could hardly wait to have her butt in front of me.
Since we were going to meet on a Sunday, I had really scared her again on Thursday. From the style of her writing you could guess that she was really scared and I suspected that she would jump off. Shortly after she wrote this memorable sentence “ Tomorrow is only Friday ” and that’s when I realized that despite her immense anxiety, she could hardly wait for our meeting.

Through our triggers she revealed to me some more transgressions whereupon I had to increase the punishment. She now got the above punishment twice that day, with a longer break in between.

Should she get sassy during the break she would get another 50 with five freshly picked rods right on the way (outdoor). A trip to the Elbe was planned.

She assured me again and again that she deserved this chastisement. And that she also realises that the second punishment must be harsher.

We met without obligation in the vicinity of me to look at each other and thus determine whether it fits with us. It fit and we went to my place. She knew that as soon as we are at the punishment place, her bottom must be accessible to me at all times and I always have a crop with me, that if she commits a transgression, she will feel it immediately on her bottom. She wore a dress and nothing underneath, which was fine. I found out as I went along that I get more turned on when I don’t have her naked in front of me, but pull up her dress and then chastise her.

A picture with instructions and positions, which I had sent her before, was displayed on a monitor in front of her. Unfortunately, I only had pictures where the women already had some marks on their butts.

We had the best strawberry cake with a cappuccino and talked and laughed together for quite a while. For me, the whole thing was very relaxed, although I was very excited, as always with a new woman or session. Fortunately, I did not lose that. For her it was probably not quite so relaxing because she unfortunately saw all the time my various instruments of punishment and the table on which she is about to be fixed. Next to it were still finely lined up the instruments with which they should be chastised today.

I had unfortunately forgotten to turn off my 2nd monitor, which had my favorite pictures on it. It could be that she didn’t like that so much, in view of the fact that I’m about to pull her onto the table and she gets her deserved beating.

Then it became serious and I enumerated why she must be punished and how much she gets on her bare bottom. I didn’t need to explain the instruments because she saw them all the time. She had brought another gift, with which she probably wanted to make me a little merciful, and asked me not to use this swatter on her. I asked her if she had already tested them and since she hadn’t, I immediately did a test on her expectant bottom.

She was bound and gagged and got her first rubdown. After every 20th stroke I soothed her ass. After the punishment, I asked her which instruments she thought were the best (theme “Beautiful Pain” and “Bad Pain”).
She didn’t know that exactly so she got another 5 or even more with each instrument, just to make sure that her information was reliable. After that I took care of her bottom, which I liked much better now with the traces, and gave her some time for herself.

In the punishment break I showed her something of Hamburg and we stopped by the Bizarr Boutique to do some shopping. Right on the spot we tested another pair of canes on her ass.

There were great conversations among us and we laughed a lot together. Okay the prophylactic outdoor beating did not go on the Elbe. There was just too much going on. This punishment of 50 strokes she got then but afterwards with me, unfortunately only not with fresh rods. Carelessly she had noticed that the first punishment was as she had imagined, apparently not severe and lasting enough.

Since the first session was probably more fun for her, she got it right now. Triggered by her reaction to my blows, I suddenly had such a desire to beat her ass really hard, so that I hit her hard again and again. Since I no longer bound and gagged her, because she humbly accepted her spanking and her moaning with every blow excited me very much, she now tried to turn her bottom away. But the stick following relentlessly her bright red cheeks.
At some point she let it go and became very quiet. Only the slapping sound could be heard when the paddle I was now using hit her cheeks. Due to my reaction she gave me, consciously or unconsciously, reason to give her beatings again and again. She would never have allowed it, being a very confident and fortunately not submissive woman, if she had not wanted it.

When she then at some point got to feel the bath brush with the long handle on her buttocks, a first success of the chastisement and educational measure was shown, in which she came back to reality somewhat rudely and said almost submissively: “I can no longer

I then extensively stroked her buttocks and partly her body to then cream her strongly drawn buttocks. Unfortunately, I had to explain to her that you can’t just stop a punishment. After some time she asked me formally to get the rest and also accepted that she had to get some more.
In total she got over 300 strokes on her bare bottom.

She was still handed the pictures (before / after) of her butt and a souvenir video. I gave her the advice to watch this video every morning so that she can see what will happen to her if she doesn’t do as her teacher or I have planned for her.

When she left, she still got the thin nasty red one with 15 strokes hard at the door as a reminder. This also ensured that she was still thinking very intensively about the beating of her life on the ride home.

The time after:

She wrote me the next day “It hurts very much when sitting what excites me. If I lay on my stomach, I could already lie in front of you again and would want to get yesterday’s again.” I was also still so excited by the whole thing that I would have liked to repeat it immediately.

Her butt hurt when she sat for almost a week, but whenever the pain started it excited her. After about 3 days, an incredible deep relaxation occurred in both of us. Since we both flew and both got something that we have been looking for a long time consciously or unconsciously, we were both really fed up for the time being.

The future:

It’s uncertain, of course, since we also live a little farther apart.
However, she has realized for herself that good coaxing or being put over her knee is of no use to her, but that only a severe beating is promising. Thought are therefore that she is now regularly chastised once a month. A list of penalties is available to her. She also undergoes motivational training so that she does not neglect her sports activities.

Where can I experience this: Info & Disclaimer!

Where may I

the experience


The butt spanker for living out SM desires & fantasies.
– Old-school penal institution
– Professional pain preparation
– Educational institution according to standards
– Long-term treatment with guaranteed success
– Chastisement & acuPOture on the bare bottom
– Chastisement areas selectable, on request
– Current and needle treatment are possible
– Outdoor or home visits on request
– Full body skin care with nettles
– Aftercare included in all treatments
– Services generally free of charge

Our breeding instruments

Send us your request here

Rollenspiel: Rollenspiele

Info (topic): I like pain