My goodness, my life was suddenly in disarray …
Since the age of 14 I have a tendency to spanking, here I am very fixated on the butt, rather active and also passive. I am now 66 years old…
Since the age of 14 I have a tendency to spanking, here I am very fixated on the butt, rather active and also passive. I am now 66 years old…
There are many role-playing games and tasks available on the Internet, including on fetish platforms, or as books that can be bought online. JoyClub also has groups for all kinds…
I do not manage to lose weight because I am undisciplined in some things. The only thing that helps here is regular strict punishment until I reach the desired weight.
The aim is to lose one kilo every 1-2 weeks. For every kilo more to the target weight, one is severely punished until the intended ideal weight is reached.